
Jibrilla Alanjiro

Software Engineer

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About Me

I'm a Software Engineer based in Nigeria ☀️. I describe myself as a passionate developer who loves coding, open source,mobile app development and the web platform ❤️. Aside from my job, I like to create and contribute to open source projects. That helps me to learn a ton of new stuff, grow as a developer and support other open source projects. Also I enjoy writing technical things . In my free time you can find me at football fields ,townhall research center or libray or on tech meetups and conferences around Nigeria and Aftrica at Large


Nigeria Communication Commission


Nigerian Communications Commission is the independent National Regulatory Authority for the telecommunications industry in Nigeria. The Commission is responsible for creating an enabling environment for competition among operators in the industry as well as ensuring the provision of qualitative and efficient telecommunications services throughout the country.
I was Posted to Department of New Media and Information Security under Internet Governance Unit

Rubycom Software

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Rubycom Software is a Nigeria Based Private Company for Software Developement of verious platform:

  • Android Application NATIVE
  • Desktop Software Developement
  • Webs App Developement
  • Firebase Functions



Is Private Limited Company Which Aimed to Bridge the GAP In Technology by Providing the following services :

  • Providing Training withing Local Community
  • Technology Incuvation
  • Liason with Governmental body and private sector in awareness campaign


Modibbo Adama University Of Technology , Yola, Nigeria

February 2018 - November 2022

Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science

Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola formally known Federal University of Technology, Yola, Adamawa state Nigeria was established in 1981 by the Federal Government of Nigeria to provide the much needed technologically skilled manpower for the nation. It is one of the Federal Universities recognized by National Universities Commission (NUC) to offer Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate degrees in different fields of Science and Technology. Read More...

Mai Idriss Alooma Polytechnic, Geidam , Yobe State

January 2015 - November 2017

National Diploma in Computer Science


Facial Security

Is a desktop based Software design with JavaFx,Json,OpenCV,MySql and some necessary library: The System is Designed to Captured and saved faces and later on those captured faces will be hosted as a target faces be monitor and raise an alarm if any of the register face is Seen, it have and sms alert and sound alert,the idea behind the system is for the suveilance of the registered faces in a community...
Its a open-souce projects and ready for contribution on github

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Rubycom Project And Consults

Is A Android Mobile Application which is categorized as Educational tool , it help students from basic to undergraduate level in conducting a reseach and provide necessary material as guidance ..

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